Monday, August 11, 2008

My Little One

I received a call from the little one's camp and my heart skipped a beat! Thank God everything's okay. Why assume the worst? Anywho, this past weekend was an exchange weekend so a couple campers left and the new campers hadn't arrived yet. My lil homey was homesick (Sad). I rushed so fast to FedEx to overnight a care package on a Sunday (Yeah imagine that!) of course they don't ship on Sundays (DAMN!). Next best thing was to ship FedEx same day...NOT! FedEx was "killing me softly" with the rates $118+ for a 1lb package not even an hour and a half away. USPS here I come...again, it was Sunday; I imagined that the post office was closed whateva; I tried anyway. Halleluiah! the post office was open and there was a nice customer rep who assured me that my lil man's care package would arrive by 3pm today for $12.60 (whew!)

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